Caves, chasms and natural sites at the campsite in the Périgord Vert in Dordogne

If you want to go to the Dordogne, you can’t miss the caves, chasms and troglodyte sites that are found there. These natural discoveries are the most beautiful sites once inhabited by our ancestors in the Dordogne and the Périgord. You will also find many natural wonders consisting of forests, rivers ideal for walks.

Thus, by going to the Périgord Le Paradou campsite, you will be able to make many visits in the heart of these wonders which make the Dordogne a tourist department.

Wonders and natural sites in the direct proximity of the Périgord Vert campsite


The gorges of the Auvézère

The Gorges de l’Auvézère are located in Saint Mesmin, in a natural and preserved environment. You will find many footpaths along the magnificent Auvézère river where rapids and waterfalls follow one another, with crystal clear and winding waters in a magical forest. Thus, experienced fishermen, cyclists and hikers can enjoy themselves in the heart of a wild landscape.

The cave of Villars

Come and enjoy a guided tour to explore the Villars cave and its prehistoric paintings over 13 kilometers. Located in the commune of the same name, in the Périgord Vert, this cave was discovered in 1953 on the site of Cluzeau. In addition to the visit of the cave, come to walk in the 700 meters arranged path and to benefit from the many animations proposed to discover the men of Cro-Magnon.

The cave of Beaussac

Take a tour of the Beaussac cave, located in Saint-Martial-de-Valette, a small underground stream accessible to everyone from 9 years old. At a depth of 8 meters, enjoy a guided tour where many themes will be discussed such as prehistoric man and underground fauna. You will also be able to play speleologist for the joy of the whole family.

The troglodytic route of the Abbey of Brantôme

Open to visitors all year round, this troglodytic route of the Abbey of Brantôme will take you on a journey through the 1000 years of history that have shaped it. You can take advantage of guided or unguided tours to discover the various remains, the miraculous fountain whose relics are preserved as well as the cave known as the Last Judgment. At the end of your journey, you can immerse yourself in the heart of the Fernand Desmoulin museum where many works are preserved.

The regional natural park of Périgord Limousin

Discover the regional natural park of Périgord Limousin and the richness of its historical and cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in the heart of the fauna and flora of the Périgord Vert where you will find castles, churches, museums and popular festivals. In addition, the park offers outdoor activities (hiking or donkey riding, mountain biking, bicycle-rail), a hot air balloon ride, guided hikes and Terra aventura, a fun and original treasure hunt.

Natural wonders from our campsite in Dordogne

Caves and chasms of the Dordogne

Proumeyssac chasm

In our beautiful Dordogne is the Proumeyssac chasm, located in the commune of Audrix. It is an abyss baptized the cathedral of crystal for its immense underground vault. You will be able to choose how to visit it, in a classic way with a guide who will tell you all the secrets of this place or in an original way by starting a descent in a gondola to have a 360 degrees view. In both cases you will leave delighted with your visit. Moreover, for families, animations are proposed to learn while having fun with the Geopole professor, the museography space and the Ludo park.

The cave of Lascaux

Discovered in 1940 in the commune of Montignac-Lascaux, more precisely in the Vézère Valley, the Lascaux cave dates from prehistoric times. Indeed, traces of parietal art have been found. Thus, you will be able to appreciate the authenticity of these multiple rock paintings. Classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, this prehistoric masterpiece is a must for your stay in the Dordogne.

The Font-de-Gaume cave

The Font-de-Gaume cave is located in the old commune of Eyzies-de-Tayac and contains more than 200 Magdalenian engravings and paintings on its walls. It is one of the most beautiful Paleolithic sanctuaries in the world still open to the public. Thus, by going there you will be able to admire the numerous works.

The cave of Tourtoirac

Located in the town of Tourtoirac and the Auvézère Valley, the cave was discovered in 1995. Its visit will plunge you between geology, history and human adventure. It’s time to immerse yourself in a light and shadow show that will make your visit exceptional.

The Grand Roc cave

Discovered in 1924, the Grand Roc cave is located in the commune of Eyzies-de-Tayac, in the Périgord Noir. This cave is a real mineral forest filled with stalagmites and crystallizations of all kinds.

The troglodyte site of the village of La Madeleine

Go to the heart of the magnificent village of La Madeleine, which will tell you its history from prehistory to the present day. The site is divided into three parts: the deposit located on the banks of the Vézère, the troglodyte village built directly into the limestone and the castle of Petit Marzac. In addition, you will find treasure hunts for children, demonstration workshops of ancient crafts and know-how as well as educational workshops in July and August.

The Prehisto park in Dordogne

Located in Trusac in the Dordogne, the Préhisto park has a prehistoric theme. Immerse yourself in the daily life of a Cro Magnon man and experience prehistory as if you had lived it. Thus, you can walk around while observing the footprints and traces of a previous life. Follow an educational trail in a green setting to discover the animal and plant world of prehistory.

Other geological sites in Dordogne

As you will have understood, the Dordogne is known for its caves, its deposits and its chasms. Here are a few other ways to visit the Dordogne:

  • The wizard’s cave
  • The Bara Bahau cave
  • The caves of Maxange
  • The deposits of Castel Merle
  • The cave of Domme
  • The deposit of Laugerie Haute
  • The caves of Combarelles
  • The Belcayre deposit
  • The caves of Bernifal
  • The cave of Rouffignac
  • The Ruth deposit
  • The Moustier deposit
  • The deposit of La Ferrassie

A 4 star Dordogne campsite in the heart of the Green Perigord

For your stay in the Dordogne, the Périgourdine campsite Le Paradou is the ideal place to rest. Our 4 star campsite in the Green Perigord is located on the edge of a swimming lake. So, come with your family or friends and book your rental or your pitch according to your wishes. In addition, you will have access to the covered and heated swimming pool and enjoy the animations during your moments of relaxation.